Batteries have been an integral part of human life for over a hundred years and reliance on them has continued to increase, particularly with the emergence of electric vehicles. The rising popularity of electric vehicles has influenced the value of the battery market, with the compound annual growth rate of the market predicted to be approximately 15.8% between 2023 and 2030.

However, manufacturers will know that battery production poses a unique set of challenges, both for meeting consumer demand and for reaching optimal operational efficiency.

For an in-depth look at pigging systems for battery manufacturers, download our new guide to pigging.

Pigging Systems for the Battery Industry

Advanced Liquid Product Recovery (Pigging) Technology helps battery manufacturers to face challenges by combatting a variety of issues, including:

  • Residue build-up.
  • Pipeline blockages.
  • Product loss.
  • Waste product and effluent creation.

These challenges pose several threats to companies, including loss of profit, extensive non-productive downtime, and the possibility of failing to keep up with consumer demand.

Reduce Residue Build-Up

Battery production requires anode and cathode slurries to be processed. These slurries contain particles that can separate if the mixture remains standing for extended periods of time. The separation of these particles can result in sedimentation and product build up on the inside of the pipeline.

The primary problem caused by product build up is decreased product flow due to reduced pipe volume. Pumps must also work harder to push the slurry through the pipeline, resulting in higher pressures being reached and increased energy consumption.

Pigging systems reduce the likelihood of significant product build up by sending a specialist projectile, known as the ‘pig’, through pipelines as part of changeover processes. The pig pushes any residual product to its destination, removing up to 99.5% of the product from the pipeline.

The high quantity of product removed from the pipeline means that only trace amounts of product remain, reducing the chance of any significant build up.

Increase Yields, Decrease Waste

The high recovery rate of the HPS pig also contributes to increased yields and decreased waste.

HPS has different pigs available for use with different products depending on compatibility requirements. All HPS pigs are durable, high-quality, and hygienic, meaning that product quality isn’t compromised.

Increasing yields is one of the many benefits of pigging and enables manufacturers to improve product output and increase yields.

Recovering products also reduces waste. Decreasing waste cuts expensive waste storage, transport, treatment, and disposal costs, saving money and improving the bottom line.

Reducing waste also contributes to improved environmental sustainability and corporate social responsibility by minimising the risks associated with waste, such as pollution through accidental spillages and leaks, reducing the length of time spent on carbon intensive treatment and disposal processes, and making resource consumption more efficient.

Compatible Components

For Anode Slurries – The HPS HT Pig

Anode slurries contain less N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone (NMP) than cathode slurries and the standard HPS Hygienic Pig is suitable for use in these slurries due to the minimal risk of swelling.

The HPS Hygienic Pig has a unique design to other pigs available on the market. It contains a magnetised silicone core securely embedded within a fluorosilicone body, enabling reliable detection whilst improving pig safety by removing the possibility of a solid magnet breaking loose and contaminating product.

The HPS Hygienic Pig also has a cylindrical design that, in conjunction with the flexibility of the silicone, provides full body contact with the pipeline, even around 1.5D bends. The lack of fins, wipers, or blades removes the risk of product becoming caught in the pig itself, maximising hygiene and reducing the risk of cross-contamination.

For Cathode Slurries – The HPS Type-U Pig

Cathode slurries are made using NMP, a solvent used to cost positive electrode materials onto aluminium foil. Solvents typically require a pig with increased durability to prevent swelling and degradation whilst maintaining a recovery rate.

The HPS Type-U Pig is specially designed to accommodate use with solvents and solvent-inclusive products. The HPS Type-U Pig has the same features as the HPS Hygienic Pig, therefore maintaining high recovery rates and flexibility whilst being more resistant to distortion.

A Must-Have Investment

For battery manufacturers who are looking to expand their offerings or improve their product output, pigging technology is a must-have investment.

Pigging systems are a cost-effective way to improve yields, reduce waste, and boost productivity, helping manufacturers to grow their company and stay competitive. The high product recovery rate that HPS pigs offer significantly contributes to the rapid payback period of six to twelve months that most manufacturers experience. After the initial payback period, HPS pigging systems provide a high year-on-year return on investment (ROI).

Use the HPS Pigging Systems Savings Calculator to discover your estimated year-on-year ROI, product savings, and more.

Find Out More

Find out more about HPS pigging systems for battery manufacturers by getting in touch with us. We can provide you with an in-depth analysis of your current product waste and your predicted savings, as well as answer any technical questions you may have about your process.

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