Launch and Return Stations

Pig Launch, Receive, Return and Drop Off Stations

Every pigging system has to safely, reliably and effectively control the pig (or pigs) in the product line. This includes delivery to destination, as well as receive, return and storage.

The purpose of pig launch, receive and return stations are to introduce the pig safely into the product line, propel the pig to and from source and destination, and safely store the pig when it’s not in use.

hps pigging return station
HPS automatic pig launch station

For Hygienic and Process Pigging Systems

The equipment used to control the pigs, product and propellant includes:

  • Launch Stations
  • Receive Stations
  • Receive and Return Stations
  • Drop Off Stations
  • Pig Detection Systems

Pigging Station Design Solutions by HPS

The correct pigging station design is fundamental to the success of your pigging project.

HPS designs and supplies high quality launch, receive, return and drop-off stations to meet the precise needs of your system. Each type of station consists of a variety of specialist valves, solenoids, uniquely designed pipework and other components to enable smooth and efficient system operation.

While pigging system operation is usually automated, the specifications and configurations of the different stations varies depending on the type of solution implemented. As individual pigging systems are nearly always bespoke, so are the designs of the stations included with them.

Safe, Reliable Pig Control

HPS pigging stations are safe, dependable, efficient and effective. Designed from years of practical experience, their main functions include:

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Entry of the Pig into the Line

Ensuring safe, reliable entry of the pig (or pigs) into the product line.
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Exit of the Pig

Ensuring safe, reliable exit (receive) of the pig (or pigs) at the end of the run.
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Return of the Pig

Ensuring safe, reliable return of the pig (or pigs) as required.
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CIP of the Pig(s)

If required, enabling effective CIP of the pig (or pigs).
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Storing the Pig

Storing the pig (or pigs) when not in use and enabling safe offline inspection.
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Delivery of the Product

Ensuring the product is delivered to the correct destinations at the correct rate and at the right time.
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Means of Supplying Propellant

Providing a means of supplying propellant.
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Controlled Pipeline Venting

Safely enabling controlled pipeline venting.
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Stopping the Pig

Stopping the pig (or pigs) leaving the pipeline.
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Control of the Product

Enabling control of the product leaving the pipeline.

Learn More about HPS Launch and Return Stations

Questions about HPS Launch, Receive, and Return Stations, or our pigging equipment and services? Reach out to us—we’re here to help!


HPS pigging launch receive and return stations

Automatic Decompression for Extra Safety

HPS pigging systems automatically decompress the transfer line when the pig enters the launch or receive station pig housing.

Automatic decompression in this way ensures high levels of safety during system operation.

Reliable and accurate pig detection is also an essential part of modern pigging systems. HPS Pig Detectors are usually located in close proximity to each station.